The natives are restless. Take cover behind an oversized banana-leaf and be sure to watch out for the leeches lurking under the viney overhangs. If it rains any more this year in the Bay Area, we won't need greenhouses or awnings, we'll make do with inflatable rafts. In the meantime--

If you're dry enough to read this, wet your whistle on this concoction.
Nothing like this would ever be available in any jungle, but drinking it you can summon up any fantasy you prefer--Green Mansions, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, you decide--and sit back and enjoy the comforts of home. Don't ask your local bartender to make this. They tend to get cranky with precise recipes. We only deal with professionals, here. By proportion, as usual--
3 Parts Golden Caribbean rum
1 part Cabo tequila
1.5 fresh thick cream
1 Part creme de cacao
1/2 part creme de bananae
Sprinkling of nutmeg to taste
Shaken lightly and served up. Drinks of this kind may often be offered in cordial glasses, or clear tall glass cups, but that's a pretense. Just use your regular classic cocktail glass, put your lips together, and taste.

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