When Winter's at the door--as it has been for the last week here in the Bay Area, the third in a series of tropical drenchings having just passed through, dropping several inches in some places--you feel the need for something to warm the cockles of your heart, and keep your cojones from shriveling.
Here's my latest concoction, a Winter Cocktail that suggests the bracing freshness of new snow powder, with a spicy sweet undertone.
3 Parts Gin
2 Parts Peach Schnapps
1 Part Banana Liqueur
2 parts fresh squeezed lemon juice
Shaken hard and served up in a frosty cocktail glass.
A favorite accompaniment to cocktails is salted pistacios roasted in the shell. Open each cracked shell with your nail, or pop'em in your mouth and split them there. The green nut's one of the classic treats.
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