Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

The Sheltered Fifties

The Sheltered Fifties

In the 1950’s, our teacher told us to dive
Under our desks

As a dry run
For the Atomic War bomb drill.

The initial blast would blow out
The windows

Followed by superheated
Streams of searing

Gas. Those whose flesh
Wasn’t initially

Stripped from their bones
Would suffocate,

While those further from
Ground zero would be sprayed

With dense radioactive fallout--
Fatal scars and cancers.

Hiroshima had taught us

Mercy wouldn’t spare anyone from

God’s little children
Would burn like the rest,

But at least we could practice
Our bomb drills

Once a month,
Showing how cooperative and

Obedient we could be
In the face of overwhelming odds.

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